Thursday, 22 November 2007

Dolphins and Coals to Newcastle

Everyone on the coach has this blog address now so that their folks back home can keep up to date without them having to text/phone/email. I think I will start charging them all. If anyone's friends are loggin on please can you text/phone them today's password, which is "Judy". The first fellow traveller to tell me the password will get a prize. Watch out for tomorrow's password.

We took another coach journey north for an hour to see the dolphins. Went on board a quite large boat and out into the bay. It was blowy and overcast, but not cold. There were dolphins but none of them jumped out of the water, so it got a bit boring after a while. There were some fellow passengers to talk to which helped pass the time! Once back on dry land some of us(not me) had fish and chips. Others inc me had a Subway. Angus decided he was going to live a healthy lifestyle from today onwards. Peter found his repertoire of jokes cut in half because of political correctness. Sheree led the singing of some silly Ossie ditties. Someone at the previous hotel lost all our passport photocopies.

We then set off south to Newcastle, passing Hexham, Gosforth, Stockton and Swansea - spot the odd one out!! Newcastle is the mining capital of Oz, with coal coming from the Hunter Valley and being loaded onto these huge bulk carrier ships. Amazingly there are loads of these ships all anchored about 1-3 miles offshore. I just counted 28 of them sitting out in the bay in the sunshine from where we are staying. They are far enough offshore not to be intrusive. We thought it was rather funny that Australians carry coal to Newcastle.

Then we hit the fantastic beaches, driving past lovely houses etc. Came back for scrummy banana and sultana muffins and tea with Denis and Marie our hosts.

Seem to be struggling to add more photos so here is just the one - you can double click it to enlarge I have discovered.

We are all off to one of our hosts houses tonight for a spit roast - all 36 of us plus the Apex 40 club members. Should be fun and we will do our tour songs, plus our explanation of the English Class System courtesy of Peter, Paul and Ray. Glenys will be on keyboards again trying desperately to keep us in tune

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