Thursday, 5 November 2015

Vice Presidential Prattle

Now I have finished my contract in Bristol, I can concentrate on being Vice President of 41 Club. Last weekend I met up with the other three VPs from the Round Table Family to plan our year. All seems well in hand and we are trying hard to avoid clashes.

My Presidential Liaison Committee - PLC for short - is up and running and we are sorting out finances, sponsorship, charity, transport, diary etc. I have great support from my 41 Club, Shirley Late Knights (that must be the best name in our association) and Shirley Tangent.

I have deputised for President Terry on a couple of occasions so far - Norwich 70th Dinner and Harrow and Wembley, where I tried out my speech!

That's all for now - I just wanted to ensure this blog was still active as I shall be using it next year to record what I get up to.